Why Choose Shetland Sheep

Why Choose Shetland Sheep

Shetland sheep are smart, clever, friendly, and sometimes actually affectionate. In fact our Shetlands have as much personality as any dog or cat we have ever had.  Even when we have had over 50 sheep, each one had its own individual personality and would relate to me in its own unique way.  All in all, Shetlands are quite irresistible.

Being a primitive breed Shetlands still retain the survival traits that have helped them thrive in harsh conditions for over 1,000 years. This makes them easier to care for than many of today’s “improved” breeds. Shetlands are easy lambers and great mothers. They are small, calm, and easy to manage. Their naturally short tails do not require docking.

Shetland wool is a hand spinners dream! It is soft yet strong and durable and a delight to spin. Shetlands come in a wide variety of natural colors: from white to jet black and various shades of gray, as well as a range of browns from chocolate to fiery copper, as well as shades of ginger and butterscotch. In all, there are eleven main colors as well as 30 markings and color patters which still bear their Shetland dialect names.

In fact my first introduction to Shetland wool was the look in my mothers eye as she triumphantly held up a 100% Shetland wool sweater in a thrift store. “But Mom,” I complained, “You know I’m not fond of that color.” “Never mind Dear,” she cooed, “It’s Shetland!” I learned to appreciate its softness and warmth as I wore it under my preferred shirts.

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