Why Choose Shetland Sheep

Monday, April 22, 2019

Lambs still available from 2018 & 2017

Here are more current pictures of the lambs born in 2018 and 2017 that are still available.  Scroll down for their baby pictures, as well as parentage information and pictures.  I can e-mail additional pictures and information. Just let me know - msjohns@frontiernet.net.  Prices listed are for registered with papers.  Group discounts available.

2018 Lambs

Cignus yearling  - $300
Cygnus - yearling - post shearing

Midnight Magic & Cygnus - yearlings

Godiva - ewe  9 months  - $300

Twilight - ewe 9 months - $300

Juno - ewe 9 months - $300

Aida & mom - ewe 9 months - $300

Cygnus - ram 10 months - 300

Midnite Magic - ram  10 months - $300

2017 Lambs

Many of these sheep are also on the NASSA  (North American Shetland Sheep Association) website's sales page where you will find additional pictures, information and pedigrees.

Briar Rose - ewe 22 months - $300

Heather Rose - ewe  -  $300

Piaf  - ewe 20 months - $300

Piaf = ewe 22 months - $300

Baudelaire - ram  17 months  - $300

Osiris - ram  18 months - $300

Basquiat - ram 22 months - $250